Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome Rotarian Suresh Divyanathan

Rotary Club of Sentosa, Singapore had a small induction ceremony for new Rotarian Suresh Divyanathan last night to accomodate for Rtn Suresh's hectic travel schedule.

Suresh joined Drew & Napier LLC in 1999 and was made a Director on 1st May 2008. His area of legal expertise is International Commercial Arbitration although he also does some civil litigation before local Courts. Since 2006, Suresh has been named every year in the annual "Leading Lawyers of Asia" survey publication.

Outside of legal practice, Suresh enjoys golf & takes his National Service commitment to his country more seriously than most people think he should. 

Suresh has been married to Jeanette for just over a year. He still feels that everyday with h
er is a miracle. Suresh is always grateful for the daily miracles in his life.

Here PDG Ben Chng laying out the rules and regulations of being a Rotarian to aspiring Rtn Suresh.

Rtn Suresh can't believe what he cannot do now that he is a Rotarian!

CP Michael Quek congratulates Rtn Suresh on being inducted into Rotary Club of Sentosa, Singapore.

Rtn Dr Ho Choon Hou pining the Charter Member pin onto Rtn Suresh's shirt to signify his entry into the Club.

Welcome Rotarian Suresh!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Qigong and Health - Fellowship 26 Feb 2009

Our weekly lunch fellowship was held, sadly for the last time at PDG Ben Chng's house. On behalf of Rotary Club of Sentosa Singapore, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to PDG Ben for opening his house to us while we await our Charter certificate and to allow us some time to sort out where is the best place for us to hold our lunch and dinner fellowship meetings.

Today was "Lawyer's" day at RCSS. We had an incredible 4 lawyers at our lunch fellowship. Thankfully they were all in different classifications within the legal business.

The good news of the day was that CP Michael Quek announced that the club has received its Charter approval and the Certificate would be presented to the club by District officials within the coming weeks. PP Linda Wong also took the opportunity to remind members who are present and attending the District Assembly to confirm up their participation to get the rooms and dinner tickets arranged.

Our speaker for the day and visiting Rotarian was PP Sim Teow Gok, who looked about 10 years younger than his actual age. His secret was not Botox, but the age old practice of Qigong. PP Sim gave a quick historical account on how he became a practitioner of Qigong, starting with him being afflicted with Polio when he was a child. His parents, when confronted with the option of amputation and letting him be, decided to let the young boy be and let fate takes its journey. To proove disbelievers that he was a Polio victim, he showed us scars on his legs from the leg braces worn when he was young.

As luck would have it, PP Sim met with a Qigong master and started practicing Qigong and in the process, strengthened his legs and his health. So devoted is he to the practice of Qigong that PP Sim even makes it a point to practice Qigong when he is travelling!

He tells us that Qigong is able to remedy minor ailments such as headaches, tummy pains as well as muscle pains. But he also goes on to inform us that there have been cases where the practice of Qigong has led to remission of cancer in some practitioners. To proove a point, he brought out a press release from Hong Kong about a terminally ill cancer patient who recovered completely from his cancer by practicing Qigong, much to the surprise of the Western trained doctors. 

He futher explained that Qigong is best practiced early in the morning, and preferably in proximity of pine trees. The Qi, as he tells it, will circulate round the body, and also allow oxygen to flow through the blood into all parts of the body.

His closing statement to the members present at the fellowship was to join him and give Qigong a try as we may not know what other benefits, apart from being healthy, it will bring us.

With that, the meeting ended, and the members adjourned to meet another time. 

Next week will be an Induction Dinner, where the club will induct a new batch of members. Watch out for more pictures and stories from RCSS' first Induction Dinner.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Feb 12, 2009

At this week's fellowship luncheon, we're happy to enjoy the fellowship of our fellow members and also the good food.

President Michael Quek provided the members with a brief of what are the upcoming activities. These included:
1) The District Assembly in Melaka in from the 16 - 19 April, 2009
2) RI President's Visit on March 6, 2009
3) RCSS Induction Dinner at the Pines Club on March 5, 2009

RCSS President Michael Quek opening the meeting.

The President encouraged all the members to attend the functions, especially the RI President's Visit as the Club will obtain its Charter certificate directly from the RI President himself, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that should not be missed.

This meeting we had the opportunity to meet up with potential new members: Steve Chiang, Tommy Lai, and Marvis Wong as introduced by PDG Ben Chng, and Walter Tan as introduced by PP Dr Khoo Chong Yew. 

PDF Fong was also kind enough to give the members, especially the new one on what is Rotary Foundation and what does it take to be a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF). It was certainly informative, and we're all heartened to learn that Rotary Foundation will match Rotarian's contribution to the Foundation for community activities.

"What is a PHF?" as explained by PDG Fong above.

Following PDF Fong's briefing, Rotarian Jean-Paul Deslypere gave a light-hearted but useful insights on travelling, since he is a frequent visitor to many countries across the world. Among the tips he gave included putting a "large" hand-carry luggage in a locker while checking in (to prevent the counter staff from scrutinizing the luggage too much) and then taking it out before heading into the terminal, and also also very humurous comments on airplane food, which most of the members could relate to.

"Quick, hide your hand carry!" advises Rtn Jean-Paul